==== Operative rules of the Hackerspace ==== ===== Preface ===== **You know damn well what these mean**. If you don't, just ask. Don't act smart. ===== Tidiness ===== - **Every item has its place** - have you used a tool, and now you're finished and leaving? Put it back in its place. - **Food spoils** - are you using the fridge? Keep in mind that food starts evolving (spoiling) after a few days, so either remember about your food, or send an email to the mailing list. Visibly spoiled food will be thrown out without a notice. - **The trash doesn't take itself out** - is the trash can full? Don't overfill it. Go touch some grass and take a walk with the trash bag to the bins outside. - **Dirty table?** Wipe it, it's gonna take you just a minute, and the space will be cleaner thanks to you. - **Working on a project, and created some shavings or other mess?** Clean it up, and toss it into the trash can. No, the floor is not a trash can. ===== (Co-)Existing in the Hackerspace ===== - **The hackerspace is not a hotel.** Housing people was never our plan, we're renting a workshop, not a living space. Falling asleep on the couch can happen to anyone, but this kind of thing should be an exception, not a rule - and with a good reason (e.g. you were working on a project until late night and missed the last train of the day). - **The hackerspace is not a crack den.** People whose state or behaviour seems harmful to the Hackerspace will be asked to leave immediately. Illegal substances are also a basis for being shown the door. * //Rationale: if you don't know how to drink, don't drink; don't be a pothead, don't deal drugs; showering is very encouraged.// ==== I want to do X in the space, who should I ask for permission? ==== If "X" affects other HS members, ask around on the mailing list. === Examples of things to talk about on the forum === * Leaving large items in the Hackerspace (e.g. wardrobe, scooter, fridge, bike, etc.) * Renting another room * Repurposing a room * Throwing out a couch, armchair or other furniture * Building a kitchen * Larger renovation works (e.g. painting, plaster chipping) === Examples of things you don't need to bother anyone with === * Putting up a shelf * Cleaning up * Running cables, etc.