2016/02/19 Note: This method has been tested multiple times on our devices and worked without problem, however at least three unexpected bricks have been reported! (sounding like failed rootfs flash)
directory on Zsun SMB/Windows Share (on Windows call it .update.
, don't ask why - it'll work) and copy SD100-openwrt.tar.gz
(https://hackerspace.pl/~informatic/SD100-openwrt.tar.gz) thereAutomatic flasher and builder: https://code.hackerspace.pl/informatic/zsun-fw-tools
Many interesting features are available on which is served by /var/webs/webs
binary, for instance (connects card reader to AR9331 SoC) or
reads update tarball from .update/
directory on microSD card. (/etc/disk/.update
) Sadly that directory is removed on mount by /sbin/lbd_mount
, thus it has to be uploaded using SMB/Windows Network Shares. /goform/upFirmWare
handler is at .text:0x00405E04
address in /var/webs/webs
binary. It does multiple checks and then executes /etc/ath/update.sh
which handles all the actual update. After that device is rebooted.
Furthermore S
update action executes ./mtd_write
after entering /etc/disk/.update
thus we have to bundle that with update package too. After flashing rootfs /sbin/reboot
will fail. This is why we have minimal statically linked reboot executable. (minreboot
What we are basically doing is hijacking ./mtd_write
execution and doing our own calls to ./mtd_write.actual
(yes, actual mtd_write
binary), and then just running /tmp/minreboot
(copied there at the beginning of update script, since /tmp
stays in ramfs)
Expected update file format is:
SD100-whatevername.tar.gz # SD100 has to match /etc/producttype ├── md5 # md5sum of following tarball └── intermediate-v1.1.tar.gz # v1.1 has to be greater than value in /etc/ver (1.0 in stock) ├── config ├── updated_file └── another_updated_file
file format read by update.sh
is as follows:
$filename:$work:$path Where: $work == U - mkdir -p $path ; cp -f $filename $path $work == D - rm -rf $path/$filename $work == S - /mtd_write $filename $path Lines starting with # are ignored. Example: testfile:U:/etc # Copies testfile to /etc openwrt.bin:S:/dev/mtd3 # Flashes partition
response status codes:
Status | Description |
-2 | Update file not found or /etc/producttype mismatch |
-3 | MD5 mismatch |
1 | Invalid version (/etc/ver , try to add 1) |
2 | Update successful (also returned if update.sh failed!) |