Table of Contents

Operative rules of the Hackerspace


You know damn well what these mean. If you don't, just ask. Don't act smart.


  1. Every item has its place - have you used a tool, and now you're finished and leaving? Put it back in its place.
  2. Food spoils - are you using the fridge? Keep in mind that food starts evolving (spoiling) after a few days, so either remember about your food, or send an email to the mailing list. Visibly spoiled food will be thrown out without a notice.
  3. The trash doesn't take itself out - is the trash can full? Don't overfill it. Go touch some grass and take a walk with the trash bag to the bins outside.
  4. Dirty table? Wipe it, it's gonna take you just a minute, and the space will be cleaner thanks to you.
  5. Working on a project, and created some shavings or other mess? Clean it up, and toss it into the trash can. No, the floor is not a trash can.

(Co-)Existing in the Hackerspace

  1. The hackerspace is not a hotel. Housing people was never our plan, we're renting a workshop, not a living space. Falling asleep on the couch can happen to anyone, but this kind of thing should be an exception, not a rule - and with a good reason (e.g. you were working on a project until late night and missed the last train of the day).
  2. The hackerspace is not a crack den. People whose state or behaviour seems harmful to the Hackerspace will be asked to leave immediately. Illegal substances are also a basis for being shown the door.
    • Rationale: if you don't know how to drink, don't drink; don't be a pothead, don't deal drugs; showering is very encouraged.

I want to do X in the space, who should I ask for permission?

If “X” affects other HS members, ask around on the mailing list.

Examples of things to talk about on the forum

Examples of things you don't need to bother anyone with