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HSWAW Telephony Services

No alarm services (112/997/etc), at leat not yet.

Let's connect a bunch of phones for fun and no profit.


Local Phones

  • 200 - Panasonic phone in main room (pillar next to safe)
  • 735 - q3k's DECT

SIP extensions

  • 376 - drozdziak1's roaming SIP client

(contact q3k if you want an extension)

Incoming numbers

  • PSTN: TODO (waiting for Halonet account)
  • EPVPN: 5323


  • Asterisk on boston-packets (TODO: move elsewhere)
  • MP-124 rackable 24 lines
  • SPA112 on wall (in main room, for Panasonic phone), 2 lines
projects/fon.1716587339.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/24 21:48 by q3k

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