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Maintainers: wrx, czechu

Polish Government/Office of Electronic Communication authorization database (find community stations → use the keyword “HACK”)

  • Authorization DC.WML.5101.247.2023.2 - SN5H issued 2023-01-13, valid from 2023-01-25, valid thru 2024-01-13
  • Authorization DC.WML.5101.2727.2020.2 - SN5H issued 2020-11-10, valid from 2020-11-24, valid thru 2021-11-10
  • Authorization DC.WML.5101.2479.2020.2 - SP5HACK issued 2020-10-07, valid from 2020-10-14, valid thru 2030-10-07
  • Authorization DZC.WML.5101.1464.2017.2 - SP5HACK issued 2017-07-13, valid thru 2020-10-14


Administrative TODOs

  • update amateur radio authorization [done]
  • request for special callsign [done]
  • qrz
  • lotw
  • email (group?)


  • ☑️ VHF/UHF GP 144/440 MHz Diamond X-50N
    • max 200W
  • ☑️ HF T2FD 1.6-30 MHz Diamond YA-30
    • max 150W PEP (voice) 3-30 MHz
    • max 75W (AM/FM/digital) 5 min TX/20% duty cycle
    • > A bit deaf antenna
  • ☑️ SAT Hotbird 13°E+Astra 19.2°E [red cable]
    • Corab Satellite Dish 80cm
    • LNB Inverto Monoblock IDLB-SINM40-MNOO6-8PP
  • ☑️ SAT Qatar OSCAR-100 26°E [blue+yellow cable]
    • Corab Satellite Dish 80cm
    • LNB Sharp Twin BS1K2EL200A

Antenna ideas

  • TX Oscar 100 - 120cm [in progress]
  • QFH Airband
  • QFH Meteo NOAA
  • QFH Meteo probe
  • HF GP
  • HF delta loop
  • VHF/UHF + rotor (az/el)
  • HF End-fed

Radio S.hack

  • cable tray [done!]
  • display arm [done]
  • SN5H HF TX testing:
  • shelfs + working table. WIP: czechu
  • lightning protection
  • grounding
  • network connection

R.oof equipment

  • network - fiber patchcord (dfgg)
  • router (dfgg)
  • electrical installation with lightning protection
  • mains power meter with remote readout (pzuk meter)
  • galvanized steel lightning grounding wire 8mm
  • rack
  • GPS
  • additional sat support [done]
  • simple painting glider 4 example [done]

Other ideas

  • outernet
  • hamnet
  • viasat/tooway
  • dvb-s2 ip
  • aprs
  • packet radio bbs
  • oscar 100 datv tuner SF8008 Single
  • lorawan
  • websdr service
  • weather station
projects/hamradio.1706183624.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/01/25 11:53 by czechu

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