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projects [2024/05/04 06:28] pl0mykprojects [2024/06/09 20:12] (current) – [Wykonywane] add fon to the list of in-progress projects ptrc
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 ===== Wykonywane ===== ===== Wykonywane =====
 +  * [[projects:fon]] - HSWAW Telephony Services
   * [[projects:streaming]] - video streaming bipeline   * [[projects:streaming]] - video streaming bipeline
   * [[projects:q3kled]] - 128x128px RGB LED matrix with high refresh rate   * [[projects:q3kled]] - 128x128px RGB LED matrix with high refresh rate
projects.1714804117.txt.gz · Last modified: 2024/05/04 06:28 by pl0myk

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