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Status active
Founder informatic
Source informatic/colorlight-blaster


Reincarnation of q3kled project (archived below). Same 128×128 (4x4x[64×64]) RGB LED panel, but based on Colorlight 5A-75B.

While said board has been reverse-engineered and can be used as a target for custom FPGA bitstream, no such bitstream has been prepared. However - using some disgusting python code (involving raw ethernet frames broadcasting) original bitstream can be controlled.

LED panel is now mounted next to a rollup projection screen in main room. Connect blue ethernet cable marked as “No uplink/No internet/LED Panel” directly to your machine and use informatic/colorlight-blaster.

DO NOT TRY TO CONNECT IT TO HACKERSPACE LAN ETHERNET NETWORK! Due to broadcast nature of these ethernet video packets this will take down most of wifi devices.

Status abandoned
Founder q3k
Source q3k/ledvideo

Chinese 'HUB75' RGB LED Driver

q3k's project to create a Zynq-based RGB LED Matrix driver.

Video of a 128x128 panel it action at 32c3.


This project targets the MYiR ZTurn board with a custom buffer interface board (to be released). The programmable logic exposes a 65-kbyte block RAM to Linux running on the PS via a full-speed AXI slave. The logic also loads data from the BRAM, gamma corrects it and outputs it to the RGB panel interface.

Current Status

It works! But really needs to be re-written. Keep poking q3k on IRC until he does so.


Note: photo of display was taken before dank memes started becoming appropriated by hate groups.
