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infra:hscloud [2023/08/02 09:40] Arsenicuminfra:hscloud [2024/07/20 20:23] (current) – [Boston Evacuation Aktion] radex
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 Our new internal highly-available Infrastructure/Platform-as-a-Service. Our new internal highly-available Infrastructure/Platform-as-a-Service.
-This runs in out datacenter (dcr01 on [[infra:netbox]]). This is different from our [[infra:bgpwtf|ISP services]] or [[infra:machines|internal machines]].+This runs in our datacenter (dcr01 on [[infra:netbox]]). This is different from our [[infra:bgpwtf|ISP services]] or [[infra:machines|internal machines]].
 ===== Components ===== ===== Components =====
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 We are moving services from our old [[infra:machines]] into Kubernetes. Amongst other, currently running on the cluster is: We are moving services from our old [[infra:machines]] into Kubernetes. Amongst other, currently running on the cluster is:
-  * +  * [[]] 
-  * +  * [[]] 
-  * +  * [[]] 
-  *  * [[]]
 With more to come. With more to come.
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 You are also free to host your own personal stuff there within reason. See below for access. You are also free to host your own personal stuff there within reason. See below for access.
-===== Getting Access and Usage =====+===== Boston Evacuation Aktion =====
-Self-documenting in hackdoc (hscloud documentation stored within hscloud):'s a list of services that currently live on Boston Packets, but we'd like to migrate to hscloud. Ask on #infra on how to contribute. 
 +  * [[]] 
 +  * [[]] - dokuwiki, as of 2023-10, on [[user>noisersup]]'s todo list 
 +  * [[]] - wordpress, not actively maintained 
 +  * [[]] - unmaintained for ages 
 +  * [[]] - just a redirect? 
 +  * [[]] - kill? 
 +  * [[]] - ??? 
 +  * [[]] - dead? kill? 
 +  * [[]] - dead? kill? 
 +  * [[]] - roundcube, fairly easy, but boston nginx would still serve as proxy (analogous to site) 
 +  * mailman ([[]]) - the web service is already on k8s, but also proxied via boston. Mailman-core and the database (used by both web and core, postgres) are still on boston. 
 +  * ldap/kerberos - (hard) 
 +  * email services (exim, dovecot) - (hard) 
 +===== Monitoring ===== 
 +===== Documentation, Getting Access and Usage ===== 
 +Self-documenting in hackdoc (hscloud documentation stored within hscloud): [[]]
 ===== Deploy docker image to hscloud ===== ===== Deploy docker image to hscloud =====
-TBD, WIP: + 
-You need to describe a deployment of your docker image in the same way as it's done for .+TBD, WIP: You need to describe a deployment of your docker image in the same way as it's done for [[]] . 
 +Build your docker image by running following command: 
 +  docker build --tag$YOUR_USERNAME/$APP_NAME-$APP_VERSION 
 +Get your login credentials by going to this site [[]] and authenticating via SSO. You should get a command by which you'll login to our docker registry. 
 +Afterwards, push your image by using 
 +===== Commands with example data ===== 
 +  docker build --tag 
 +  docker push 
 +===== Resources/Services ===== 
 +Here is a list of common external/internal services used by apps hosted in hscloud, with guidelines on how to get access to those: 
 +  * **Persistent storage/Block storage** 
 +    * Use ''PersistentVolumeClaim'' in ''waw-hdd-redundant-3'' storage class 
 +  * **S3/Object storage** 
 +    * Add user object in ''%%//cluster/kube/k0.libsonnet:k0.ceph.clients%%'' 
 +    * Ask hscloud ops to update 
 +  * **CockroachDB** 
 +    * Add user object in ''%%//cluster/kube/k0.libsonnet:k0.cockroach.clients%%'' 
 +    * Ask hscloud ops to update 
 +  * **Docker Container Registry** 
 +    * Use to authenticate 
 +    * '''' is your personal container namespace 
 +  * **DNS** 
 +    * ''*'', ''*'': Ask hscloud ops to create/update relevant DNS entries in ''ns{1,2}'', adjust admitomatic config (see below) 
 +    * ''*'': create your own DNS CNAME record pointing at '''' 
 +    * Adjust ''%%//cluster/kube/k0.libsonnet:k0.admitomatic.cfg.proto.allow_domain%%'' if you want your domain to be secured against hijacking by other cluster users (''*'' is one such domain) 
 +  * **Postgres** 
 +    * Use ''%%//kube/postgres.libsonnet%%'' to create local deployment in app namespace 
 +    * **Alternative:** ask hscloud ops for a database on blessed high-performance ssd node 
 +  * **Redis** 
 +    * Use ''%%//kube/redis.libsonnet%%'' to create local deployment in app namespace 
 +  * **SSO** (OAuth2/OpenID Connect for HSWAW members authentication) 
 +    * Self-service - create your own app on 
 +  * **LDAP** (only very specific cases, when user/group listing is required - otherwise use SSO) 
 +    * Ask ops to create an LDAP service account 
 +      * Create ''cn=...,ou=Services,dc=hackerspace,dc=pl'' in LDAP 
 +      * Add relevant ACL in /etc/openldap/slapd.conf on '''' 
 +  * **Beyondspace** (access to * services from WAN/hscloud) 
 +    * Ask ops to add specific internal domain to beyondspace (''%%//hswaw/machines/'') and create a service authentication token on customs 
 +  * **Mailing (SMTP/IMAP)** 
 +    * Ask ops to create local mailing user account 
 +      * Create local service user on '''': ''useradd -rm SERVICE; passwd SERVICE'' 
 +      * Create mailbox on '''': ''mkdir /var/spool/mail/SERVICE; chown SERVICE:mail /var/spool/mail/SERVICE'' 
 +      * **Optionally:** add aliases (and/or incoming exec hook) in ''/etc/mail/aliases''
infra/hscloud.1690969218.txt.gz · Last modified: 2023/08/02 09:40 by Arsenicum

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