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See the application (alpha/beta/gamma) at the Nest of Worlds testsite!

Browser notes:

  1. Firefox: Full functionality.
  2. Chrome: no sound @ the moment.
  3. Safari: in your dreams.
  4. Other: TBD!

Feedback welcome at

Project summary

Life is music. We will give voice to the game of life and make composers the true Creators of Worlds.

The plan is to:

  1. Set up the wrapped hex gamefield, similarily to hex life
  2. Assign each hex field a voice – in a static or dynamic manner.
  3. Make morphing cell colonies sing – generation by generation – the fugue of life.
  4. Pack it up as a simple to use, open source editor/wizard/player – the Nest of Worlds.
  5. Back it up with a website to share worlds, experiences and various versions of the tool.

Let everyone create and share their own singing worlds.

projects/music-of-life/nest_of_worlds.1305363776.txt.gz · Last modified: 2014/04/02 06:57 (external edit)

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